Saturday, 17 May 2014

Legalize it !

so its been a few months since colorado legalized marijuana for recreational use, infact its doing good things for the lucky people of colorado alot of the taxes will go toward dui programs with the police and school nurses for the children aswell as other plans that will come up as revenues increase

The state's Department of Revenue reports that marijuana retailers sold nearly $19 million in recreational weed in March, up from $14 million in February. The first three months of legal weed have netted about $7.3 million in taxes, not including medical marijuana sales taxes and licenses, which bring the number to $12.6 million. In it's first few months, Colorado could already soon be outpacing those historic first-day sales on a daily basis.  

Did i mention that the crime rate is down ?! thats right its declining and i think thats an amazing piece of news

Unfortunatly up here in Canada laws seems to be getting stricter and Mr prime minister Harper with his strange ideas ( he represses Canadian scienentists findings, and rejects the idea of legalized marjiuana in canada) with elections on the horizon we can only hope someone with a different way of thinking can guide canada into a better tomorrow, if we want to choose a safer alternative to alcohol or marijuana we should have the right to choose.

im not sure if you americans know how canada works but the only way to buy alcohol is from a lcbo store, witch are all goverment owned and operated so if you want alcohol in canada all the profit goes directly to the goverment of canada, along with cigarette taxes rising litteraly every year the harper goverment makes nothing but profit from products that only cause physical harm.
with marijuana legalized in canada our tourism would be up drasticly, many jobs would be created and people will have a safer choice

On july 9th, our countries greatest freedom fighter marc emery will be released from american prison,
marc is the first person that has be extradited to a foreign country to be tried, what he was arested and sent to U.S prison for isnt even remotely considered a hard crime here.
he sold marijuana seeds over the internet to all of canada and the USA, he never once comitted a crime on american soil, But with harpers craving to suck up to its big brother america he sent harper over the border, and even with petitions and appeals to be jailed on his home soil
all appeals were rejected and dear old marc was forced to spend a few years in american jail
on july 9th he will be released from american prison and transfered to canadian jail, and thats if canada end up giving him time but according to the canadian goverment marc will be home for christmas and ready to fight the good fight

I had the chance to see Marc and his wife Jody on his last stop of his farewell tour before he was extradited, it was in his hometown of London Ontario, i have very high hopes that he will do another little tour around and share his amazingly inspiring words that were missed

thanks to this great man we can shop on sundays and read hightimes and many other thing marc has done for us all

if you want to red more on marc here is his wiki

iv slept about 4 hours 2 days or so, so i apologize for the quality of my post
take care everyone !
It's created a modest number of jobs ranging from "budtending" and marijuana journalism to farm labor and ownership. - See more at:
It's created a modest number of jobs ranging from "budtending" and marijuana journalism to farm labor and ownership. - See more at:
It's created a modest number of jobs ranging from "budtending" and marijuana journalism to farm labor and ownership. - See more at:
It's created a modest number of jobs ranging from "budtending" and marijuana journalism to farm labor and ownership. - See more at:

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